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RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings

RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings


Here we go, we're back in our setup my friends and hello guys Hassan here and welcome back to another article in this one my friends I’m going to be testing the RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4. I’m running it with a Ryzen 9 5900x and 32 gigabytes of ram, you should be able to achieve the same FPS if you run something like a Ryzen 5 3600 with 16 gigabytes in dual channel.

1080p Extreme

So, let's get right into the game, shall we? all right guys let's go through the settings real quick I’m playing at 1080p resolution at the moment we're also going to test this one at 1440p, 4k and 5k as well and we're utilizing, of course, the extreme settings here with two times MSAA Anti-Aliasing. Look at these frames in extreme settings it is nighttime right now so we're going to wait a little bit and see how it performs during the day because I think it's probably slightly more demanding because we're seeing more things and shadows and stuff but yeah this is extremely nice it's a high refresh rate experience at 1080p Extreme Settings. 

I’m not sure if you noticed the driver version that we're utilizing is not the newest one it's actually the recommended one because I couldn't install the latest drivers on the 5700XT, it kept giving me errors you know during the installation process so yeah I’m not sure if you guys are also experiencing that let me know down in the comments if you are but yeah that's what's been going on with the latest drivers.


RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings
RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings

That's why I’m not using them now as you can see guys during the race and everything it's raining it's looking beautiful we're seeing more cars on the screen it's still performing amazingly well like this is a high refresh rate experience. I’m not running a high refresh rate monitor right now or my capture card is not set to a high refresh rate but I can say that between 130 and 144 or 150 FPS, the difference is almost negligible. 

One thing is first-person shooters when where you need quick reactions and stuff other thing is just a chill car game racing game like Forza Horizon 4 that at least for me it's kind of chill and I don't really care too much about crashing into things and yeah I just really like to see the visuals here and you can see them at high refresh rates if you play at 1080p so that is amazing. 

1440p Extreme

I’m going to stop it there you know we're going to test it out at 1440p okay 2560 by 1440 using the same extreme settings, of course, all right here we go 1440p extreme settings this is the highest that I've seen so far in Forza Horizon 4 at least at 1440p. I tested the 1080ti as well but that was at 4k resolution now yeah this on a high refresh rate monitor won't feel as good as 130 140 FPS like we were seeing at 1080p but it's still pretty damn smooth, okay I mean 90 FPS or 100 close to that is different from 60 and you will feel that difference in smoothness for sure you know it's like those smartphones these days that have 90 Hertz monitors. 

RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings
RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings

It's very noticeable the difference between 90 hertz and 60 hertz and even more so in an actual computer anyway, whenever no cars are on the screen you can see a 100 plus FPS. did I miss the checkpoint? Yes, I did okay we got to go back a little bit here okay guys that were pretty nice crash guys not going to lie and it almost happened again but now we're good, if you want to play this game at 1440p with the 5700 XT it's very good indeed.

4K Extreme

3840 by 2160 still using extreme settings and yeah if I disable this we would only get like two or three more FPS so I won't do that because it doesn't look like native resolution if you do, 60 there that's really similar to what we got with the 1080ti. I was expecting that card to be a little bit faster than this one, let's restart the event as well here we go start counting the frames every car is on screen and we're getting 57 that is crazy guys this is super sharp right now it looks beautiful.


Holy, I love it you know what Logitech please give me a steering wheel so I can play this game properly without crashing against everything every single time. I know like some people said that a controller is better, I’m playing on a mouse and keyboard by the way so it's awful, basically, I just think that I'd have so much fun playing this game at 4k 60FPS and like my TV, for example, that would be crazy right with the steering wheel and everything.


RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings
RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings

I don't know I might buy a used one or something like that also put some steering wheel suggestions down below in the comments, that goes our first no the second mirror okay I broke two mirrors already anyway no cars in front of us and this section of the race we're getting like 69, of course, no but we were getting well above 60 FPS that's insane and the good thing is since this is a car game. I think a few drops below 60 FPS is not the end of the world right but now we actually got really good FPS at 4k.

5K Extreme

So let's test 5120 by 2880 at extreme settings, still, I mean this is this promising right 30s, mother of sharpness. Let's start counting our frames if it didn't drop from 30 in that cutscene I don't think it will drop from 30 anywhere in the race and it's looking so damn detailed I’m not sure if you can tell that detail through the article because my internet is super bad, but trust me guys this is super sharp and beautiful and I’m running it on a 1440p panel so yeah you can tell the difference.

RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings
RX 5700XT in Forza Horizon 4 at 1080p, 4K and 5K - Extreme Settings


I’m using VSR by the way to run these higher resolutions than native but I did not expect close to 40 FPS on average that's for sure in a race remember if you're not racing and you're just exploring the open world which is very beautiful and you should do that, by the way, it's going to get even higher frames.


Now I set it's back to 3840 by 2160 now 4k because that's a more like reasonable resolution that a lot of people are probably going to use with a card like this, probably 1440p but uh yeah this is more realistic. I don't think anybody plays at 4K or 5K but I mean I would choose to connect my PC to my TV and play this at native 4K resolution because it just looks so gorgeous and it runs fantastic as I’m telling you, it's not dropping from 60 outside of races and we're right around 69 FPS as well which is crazy good obviously. 

It's what you want in every single game aside from CSGO and Valorant and in those games, you went like 420 obviously and we are in the festival area which some people say is intensive and so far at least it's pretty much the same as outside of here. RX 5700XT doesn't have a problem rendering this area as you can see this is nice. That's been it thank you very much for reading this article hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always I love you all bye-bye.

Click to read Geforce GTX 1080ti in Forza Horizon 4 - 1080p, 1440p, 4K and 5K


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