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GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p

GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p 


Hello everyone to my blog. In this article, I am going to provide you with information about the performance of GTX 1030 in Days Gone. In this test, I am going to run Days Gone on GTX 1030 at 1080p, and 900p with normal to low settings. The GTX 1030 is a 2 GB DDR5 graphics card. I am running GTX 1030 with the latest Nvidia Drivers that 466.6 present at this time of testing GTX 1030 in Days Gone.

The card that I am using is an MSI Aero version of GTX 1030 and it comes already overclocked out of the box. I am not going to change the clock settings further for this GPU. I am running GTX 1030 with Ryzen 9 5900X with 32 GB of RAM while you only need 16 GB of ram and a CPU like Ryzen 3 1200 and do not bottleneck the GTX 1030

You can also achieve similar performance with a CPU like i5 3470 with 16 GB of RAM. The FPS and performance provided by these two CPUs will be much identical as I am going to tell you in this article. This game doesn’t require a good CPU due to its amazing optimization.

At 1080p


We are going to test this GTX 1030 GPU at different resolutions in Days Gone. So, let’s start with 1080p. The settings are preset of Days Gone for the GTX 1030 I have set to be the lowest possible at 1080p. On checking the FPS performance in the gameplay I got a huge stutter at the beginning because it happens whenever you start this game. So it’s not an issue of much concern. The FPS I received in the Intensive area of the game was approx. 30 while the FPS was dropping to the 20s most of the time and the game experience was not that good due to stutters.

GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p
GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p 

Ongoing to the less intensive area of the game the performance improved a bit you can say about 4-5 FPS. You should always try to maintain 30+ FPS on average in every game that you play to get a smooth experience otherwise the stutters of the game will ruin your experience completely. The frame time at 1080p is not that constant it is showing continuous variations sometimes sharp spikes and sometimes too low.


Overall I would like to say that 1080p experience with GTX 1030 in Days Gone is somewhat better and you can make it enjoyable in the least intensive areas of the game. You can play this game at 1080p with a GTX 1030. There are frame drops every time and I would suggest you play Days Gone by lowering the resolution a little bit to get a better experience.

At 900p

Now it is the time for 900p with GTX 1030 in Days Gone. The settings preset for this resolution are again going to be low as GTX 1030 is a pretty old graphic card. On counting the FPS I came to know that now the performance has changed a lot at these settings. The frames drop issue has been solved completely and I am getting approx. 44 FPS on average and sometimes the FPS goes to 50. It is due to the amazing optimization of this game. I would like to congratulate the team that launched this game to the PC as is a highly optimized game and runs smoothly on any hardware.

GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p
GTX 1030 in Days Gone || 1080p and 900p 

I do not like the low settings preset of the games due to the popping effect of the particles and objects. In this game the popping effect of objects while driving causes a bit of disturbance. Think you are driving your bike smoothly and something pops in front of you suddenly and ruins your whole experience of driving.

Also Click to read COD Vanguard On GT 1030- All settings 

You can judge the optimization of this game by this even a GPU like GTX 1030 can provide you with a playable experience in Days Gone in 2021. The experience at this resolution is much better than 1080 and you can the game easily with these settings with the help of GTX 1030.


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