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GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World

GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World


Hello everyone Hassan here, and welcome back to another article, in this one my friends, I am going to be testing the Geforce GTX 750 ti in Amazon's game New World. I think it's Amazon's game I am not sure but it's with Amazon's engine, and I am very curious to see how it runs in various GPUs. So, expect some articles in this one very soon, now this one is a stock version of the GTX 750 ti, so, I overclocked it a little bit here. Lets start the article about the performance of GTX 750ti in New World game.

As I am telling you plus 50 megahertz on the core clock and 150 on the memory clock. It makes the GPU run at like 1200 megahertz which is not very good actually for a 750 ti, but every time I tried higher clock speeds the game actually crashed on me, and after seeing some stories about this game burning some RTX 3090s, well I am just going to keep the overclocks a little bit conservative in this one. 

So, I am running it as usual with the Ryzen 9 5900X and 32 gigabytes of RAM, and these are overkill for the 750 ti, but you should get the same FPS with like a Ryzen 3 1200. The game requirements only ask for an i5 2400 as a minimum, so, you should be fine with a CPU like a Ryzen 3 1200 in this game, and the 750 ti. 


Let's go for the settings now, I am playing at 1080p resolution, and I am also going to test this one at 900p and 720p. I am using 60 FOV instead of the default 50. It doesn't matter too much to your FPS, by the way, and everything else is set to the low settings as I am telling you, so, let's do this, shall we? The game is looking kind of decent you know it's low settings, so, the textures are horrible and the VRAM is maxed out on the 750 ti, and the two gigs, but it doesn't look that bad, to be honest, I would have fun with this game like this. Thank you very much Amazon, you're always been my favourite store. Let's go, the FPS is dropping sometimes from 30, and I just started this game. So, I don't know much about it, I bought it like an hour ago, and I installed it, and I am now playing it with for this article. 

So, if there's like a big demanding area inside of this game that I can get to please tell me down below in the comments so I start writing more articles there. Now, we got to start counting our FPS again because it just messed up our 1% lows and averages there right, so, I am going to start cutting our FPS once again, I can see that there is still some ambient occlusion even though I am playing on the lowest possible settings inside of the game, and I didn't go into config files and stuff like that.

GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World, New World, GTX 750 ti, Can we play New World on GTX 750ti
GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World


Maybe, I should in the next articles, but I don't know again, it's the first time this is just the first impression and I am not very impressed right now with the 750 ti's performance as I am telling you it's dropping very much into the 20s, and I guess the system requirements at least the minimum system requirements are kind of not that demanding right, at least for 1080p 30FPS you might need something like the R9 280 or GTX 960. I believe that is the one in the minimum requirements at least that is the one that competes against the R9 280, and we should try that out, I have an R9 280 here, but yeah as I am telling you, although this is still kind of playable for a game like this. 

A lot of people played these RPG titles back in the day with 20 FPS just fine, and I certainly did well those days. I think I am a little bit pickier when it comes to the frame rates that I get, so, I wouldn't enjoy my time too much at 20 something frames per second, by the way, if you're wondering, and I am just going to show you the FPS with different types of FOV so right now it's at 60 I am getting 23, 24 there, and now I am going to set it to 50 which is the default FOV settings for this game. I always like it a little bit wider you know, this seems to be too close, and as I am telling you 23, 24, it's pretty much the same thing. 

So, there is no difference there, you can use a little bit higher FOV if 50 is too uncomfortable for you. Anyway, that is it for 1080p resolution. 


Let's go ahead, and drop it down to 1600x900, and now it seems okay, and it's a much more stable experience much closer to 30. We should try out, and do the first quest instead of running around here clueless, you can grab stuff off the ground as well materials, and stuff. It's been a while since I played an RPG game like this one actually, it's been a long time, maybe, like 7-8 years. So, at 900p even with all of this vegetation around us, it seems like it's pretty decent as it gets a 30 FPS average experience, so, that is not too bad you know I could live with this. It's much smoother than 1080p that is for sure, it doesn't look very bad either sometimes games look very pixelated or very blurry, and this one isn't one of those. 

GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World, New World, GTX 750 ti, Can we play New World on GTX 750ti
GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World

It looks crispy a little bit pixelated because I am on a 32-inch monitor playing at 900p, so, that is completely normal, but yeah if you're running a smaller monitor even like a 1080p monitor, it might look great even at 900p. I am super impressed here with the details little details in this game graphical quality-wise, I am on low settings, and it looks amazing, there are a ton of trees, and vegetation. I feel like they could tone it down a little bit because it's way too much at least for the lower-end GPUs but well I don't know, maybe, that would give you an advantage over other people in PVP or something.


Let's finish this one off by the shore area with no vegetation, you can go up into the 40s which is pretty decent, but of course, vegetation is an FPS killer in a lot of titles, and this one is no exception with Amazon's engine. I am kind of surprised that it doesn't stutter whatsoever even though the VRAM was maxed out at 1080p. This is pretty good in my opinion. 


I think this is time now for the 720p resolution, so, 1280 by 720 apply that and here we go can we get 60, and 60 plus. Let's start counting the frames, let’s go to the bushes once again, and look at that it's not dropping now, this is very nice there. It's amazing guys, and it seems like this, even a 750 ti can do a great job here at 720p. now, I want to see if there are more trees and more demanding vegetation around here I wouldn't drop the resolution from 720p in this one.


I feel like it still looks decent like this and again 30 FPS is all you need in my opinion in a game like this, it might drop here and there, of course, in fights with a lot of effects and stuff, but so far at least in vegetation areas, the 750 ti is hanging in there. A lot of games don't look good at 720p, for example, Cyberpunk 2077 comes to mind, it's a blurry mess at this resolution. It seems like the New World looks pretty decent. I am just glad that the game doesn't stutter, a lot of these new titles in 2021 stuttered a lot, so, I am really glad this one just is smooth, and the RAM utilization is actually at 12 gigabytes right now. 

GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World, New World, GTX 750 ti, Can we play New World on GTX 750ti
GTX 750 ti in New World | Performance of GTX 750ti in New World

So, you'll probably want 16 to play this game properly without any stuttering issues, and if you're running 8 gigabytes, let me know down in the comments if it runs well for you with that amount of RAM. But I am not sure if it will VRAM wise apparently at 720p low settings, it doesn't even consume 2 gigabytes, so, that is pretty damn good guys, and I am liking the experience with the 750 ti. Not the best, but this little GPU is not dead yet. 


GTX 750 ti being an old GPU can provide decent performance in New World at 900p and 720p. I would suggest you play this game at 900p with better performance, but if you want a 60+ FPS you must move to 720p o get and enjoy that 60+ FPS experience. I think that has been it for today’s article, and I will catch you in the next one very soon, and as always love you all bye-bye.  


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