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GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more

GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more

This article is about GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more. Hello and welcome back to another article, how's it going guys Hassan for the win here and in today's GTA article we have some new details to talk about regarding the GTA Trilogy the Definitive Edition including some hints in Rockstar's trailer that they actually uploaded that tells us what the game is more likely to be like as well as the file sizes for each game when it comes to downloading and installing them. They're most likely going to be like and a whole lot more. GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more. 


So, let's actually start with the Rockstar trailer that they actually uploaded this is the one that they posted on the very first announcement a few weeks ago and it was basically 30 seconds long the title was Grand Theft Auto the Trilogy the Definitive Edition coming soon posted on October 8th 202, nearly has 3 million views, and has a way more positive response than Expanded and Enhanced GTA 5

GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more
GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more

If you use a third-party app you can actually see the tags that Rockstar puts in these articles this is basically so when people search for something they're more likely to find a video that's related to the tags these are the tags they put in and they do reveal a good bit Grand Theft Auto, GTA Trilogy, GTA San AndrĂ©a’s remasteredGTA 3, GTA 3 remasteredGTA Vice City, GTA Vice City remasteredVice City, San AndrĂ©a’s, and Liberty City. So, the keyword I want you guys to focus on here is remastered because that was the big emphasis here in the trailer video.

Difference between Re-make and Re-master

Were these going to be remade or were they going to be remastered? so, you guys might be wondering well is there a difference between the use of the word remake and remaster? There is although, they are used interchangeably where you see people throwing them together so the difference between a remake and a remaster is very slight, there is a difference a remake tends to focus on reworking the technical and performance aspects of the game, and a remaster is generally made to look good on newer devices and update the games to different resolutions like HD or 4k

Now, some other things that can be technically improved such as better sound voice acting and controls might also get an update however most parts of the actual gameplay stay the same. So, long story short I think that's roughly what we're going to see in the GTA Trilogy the Definitive Edition is it's going to be a remaster not necessarily a remake. So, that right there should tell us what word to ultimately use for this game when referring to it or you could just call it the Definitive Edition because that's what Rockstar seems to be officially calling it. 

Space Required

So, that's pretty cool right there, some details that you might not have known about, anyways, let's move on remember on Friday we actually covered the file size requirement for the game on PC this is very likely to be the file size requirement on console as well the minimum was 40 Gigabytes the recommended was 45 Gigabytes. 

Well, data miner and insider Wild Brick 142 has told us how much each game is very likely to be size-wise, so someone ended up asking him you know if there's only one system requirement and it's 45, how would it work if it was split per games and he said this is all assuming that 45 Gigabyte requirements for all three games combined render where Trilogy space requirements might not be the exact amounts but anyways for San AndrĂ©a’s render where it's 4.7 Gigabytes, Vice City render where it is 1.55 Gigabytes and GTA 3 render where it is 1 Gigabyte.


So, the total for the Trilogy renders wear is 7.25 Gigabytes the total for the Trilogy unreal engine which is what the definitive edition is going to be is 45 Gigabytes. So, San AndrĂ©a’s takes about 65, Vice City 21%, and GTA 3 about 14%. So, he says assuming the increase in disk space is proportional to the render where Trilogy requirements this would leave us with these space requirements for the unreal engine Trilogy San AndrĂ©a’s about 29 Gigabytes, Vice City 9.6 Gigabytes, and GTA 3 6.21 Gigabytes, and he says of course that 45 gigabytes might be more than the games actually take. 

GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more
GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more

It's more likely to be around 40 to 43 since the requirements usually are larger than they are to give the installation etc more breathing room but it's probably not too far-fetched that these games will be around that size the bulk of the size increases will be with audio followed by textures and models depending on how far they go with them. So, long story short if you want all three games it's going to be 40 to 45 Gigabytes but now if you want them individually San AndrĂ©a’s probably going to be the biggest around 30 Gigabytes, Vice City the second biggest around 10 and GTA 3 being the smallest hovering a little over Six. 

So, that's pretty cool right there and that's a big deal depending on how fast your internet is or how good your computer might be in terms of installing stuff that process might take a little while.

Pre-orders and Stuff

Now, pre-loading and pre-releases and pre-orders will also help with that and that's what we're going to be covering next so according to a user Videotech who posted this on the GTA Forum Site Rockstar, is also preparing for pre-orders on the Rockstar store website including the Rockstar Games Launcher which is now integrated into the store website, and console copies but console ones may direct a link directly to the digital stores on Playstation and Xbox

Does it also seem they won't charge for pre-orders until release that's a nice touch that could only apply to merchandise? But we'll see and he lists a couple of lines their Videotech has been monitoring like all the Rockstar Ins and Outs.


He's a very worthwhile follow on Twitter and Social Media, so I would highly recommend that you end up checking him out, but he essentially says that this is good news as the fact that they won't charge you for the pre-order until release also pre-orders usually allow you to pre-install the game. So, that when it does release you're basically just able to jump on it and play it and it looks like we're starting to see them integrate this, so that could mean that we're very likely going to see new details from Rockstar soon. 

Now, Videotech also is incredibly talented, he's created like these box Art 3D images of what the game could look like, including this little shot right here

GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more
GTA Trilogy Massive info Trailer secrets, Space required, Pre-orders and much more

which is just really cool so if the box arts look like that, that would be absolutely incredible apparently the individual box arts have been revealed as well which suggests that you are going to be able to end up purchasing the games separately. 

So, if you only wanted Vice City or GTA 3 or San AndrĂ©a’s, you should be able to do that and if you want the Trilogy all together you can get that as well. So, that'll be interesting to see how these are priced and when they are released like is the Trilogy going to come out first and then months or two down the line you'll be able to get them individually. 

If you want or they all going to be released at the same time together and individually we're still waiting to hear official information from Rockstar, but hopefully we get some details from them shortly, and if I was a betting man I would say that probably Friday is when we will hear from them that of course is the anniversary of GTA 3

It is also two Fridays since Rockstar revealed information confirming the game's existence and eventual release, so we're getting closer and closer that's for sure I just know that I’m becoming impatient, and I’m ready for the game to end up coming out too, but I’d love to hear from you guys in those comments down below. Is your hype starting to build for the GTA Trilogy the Definitive Edition? What are you most excited about? Which game has you most interested in? Let me know what you guys think in those comments down below I’d love to hear from you guys down there. 


If you guys did going to enjoy this article though I like grading it would of course be awesome and be sure to visit my blog again, if you are new, and you want to stay up to date on all the latest GTA and all the Rockstar Games News articles keep visiting on my Blog. Thank you all so much for reading this article, take care, and I’ll see you guys in the next article.


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