GTX Titan in Days Gone at 1080, 1440p and 4K
Welcome to another article in this one my friends I’m going to be testing the Geforce GTX Titan the original one from 2013 in Days Gone. I am not overclocking it as you can see right here because well it's a reference design cooler and it heats up quite a bit especially with my room temperature right now which is about 27 28 degrees Celsius, I will be sweating bullets maybe throughout this article.
Anyway we're playing it with the Ryzen 9 5900x and 32 gigabytes of RAM which is overkill for a GTX Titan but you'll get the same FPS with like an i7 4770 or even a 3770 in this game. This game is not CPU intensive at all and 16 gigs of RAM are also definitely enough.
1080p Medium
Let's get into it, shall we? settings first I’m playing at 1080p resolution, I think we're also going to test this one at 1440p and maybe at 4k, I don't know I’m just curious to see it at 4k. You know medium settings preset at the moment we're also going to test like high and that's it. Let's go I can hear the GPU screaming right now it's at 77 degrees Celsius don't worry these aren't unsafe temperatures whatsoever, it's perfectly fine.
The GPU won't thermal throttle or anything like that I replaced the thermal paste recently on it so as you can see guys if you want to play at 1080p with 60 plus FPS well you got to drop things too low and it will do that.
This is a very intensive area as well um but I wouldn't play on low settings because medium looks like 100X better and high looks 100X better than medium or maybe even more than that, so there are those guys you should avoid low settings in my opinion and the GPU has enough VRAM to handle it at medium fine. It's using 4 Gigabytes of it and it's skipping a few frames here and there, but that's normal. We've seen that with pretty much all of the GPUs that I tested so far aside from the 8 Gigabyte RX 570 that's kind of weird because this is not VRAM limited outside of camp.
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GTX Titan in Days Gone at 1080, 1440p and 4K |
We're going to get more FPS of course hopefully closer to 60 as you can see there touching 60 going above 60 at times so the Kepler 2013 GTX Titan is still hanging in there at least in Days Gone. Of course, this is a very well-optimized title if you play, for example, Horizon Zero Dawn on it, it's going to be rough, by the way, if you come across a horde those are not intensive guys.
So, don't you worry it's going to perform well anyway it might drop like 5 or 4 frames per second and you might get around the same FPS as in the camp area 69 okay this number follows me everywhere.
1440p Medium
Now 2560 by 1440 utilizing the medium setting still and does the GTX Titan has to have what does it have what it takes to play this game, well at the 1440p resolution using medium settings I think that frame time graph is a little bit more inconsistent but that's still okay. Something that I've noticed here in this game by the way is that if you lock your FPS to say like 35 here or 40 the frame time graph will be completely flat you will probably still experience a few frame skips here and there which don't show up in the frame time graph but no stutters and that's great to know.
So, I want to go back to camp right now to show you the least FPS that you can expect with this GPU. I think we're almost there guys, that's it, okay so 40s it's dropping now. I probably lock this one to either 40 FPS or 35 and that's going to be a smooth experience. Now it's getting a little bit rough there the frame time graph it's all over the place a little bit, that happens when you get closer and closer to 30 frames per second, by the way, but yeah it's no issue still you know it's still playable. The GTX Titan can still play this game at 1440p fine above 30 FPS.
4K Medium
Now, what about 4k that is like way too much for a GPU like this I am aware, but I’m just curious about 4k medium settings, 20 something could be worse. Right, I think on low settings it might get close to 30 maybe not 30 plus though we can try it out for a little bit here. Look at that, it's right around 30 FPS I will not play like this by the way but it's capable of getting 30 or around 30 at 4k resolution which is decent considering that this is the most intensive area that I've come across so far. It's only dropping to like 28.
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GTX Titan in Days Gone at 1080, 1440p and 4K |
All right the titan is impressing me a little bit or should I say the optimization of this game is impressing me a lot.
At 1080p High
So, we're at the high settings right now using the 1080p resolution, wow! look at that difference by the way in visual fidelity holy crap it makes so much of a difference. I’m just going to disable motion blur because well we don't like that here and chromatic aberration as well to be honest chromatic aberration isn't that noticeable in this game still pretty good. I would pick high settings over medium any day with these FPS guys at 1080p resolution, so, wow! The Titan is handling a 2021 game on PC, 2019 on console fine at 1080p high, of course, it's not 60 FPS but as this is a single-player title, I don't feel the need.
I don't feel the need to get 60 FPS, people are different everyone's different but I’m usually very picky when it comes to frame rates and this doesn't bother me, so, it's fine or maybe I should say I didn't use to be picky about frame rates but after playing with the GT 710 and G 100 so much well maybe now I am tolerating a little bit better lower FPS, but still a lot of people find this experience to be playable or even like 30 FPS locked. I mean the consoles play this game at 30 FPS lot I believe so it's no problem there, especially with the controller you know. So, outside of camp, it's getting into the 50s now very close to it at times.
It doesn't seem to be dropping I mean this is great Bend studios the developers of this game did an amazing job like an incredible job at optimizing this game, before the game came out I would never expect these kinds of FPS coming from a GPU this old or the GTX 580M the Titan was the best of its own in 2013 before the 780 tI came out. It's old and it's very outdated and for example in Call of Duty Warzone, it struggles a lot. Very curious to know if it will even launch Battlefield 2042, by the way, that should be fun to test out in these older GPUs. This is totally playable.
At 1440p High
Now, to 1440p okay 2560 by 1440 using high settings now and wow look at that, guys, the game is looking gorgeous and it's playing above 30 FPS with the Titan. This is so great but the fire effects look beautiful on high settings as well, because of the lighting. This is awesome this really is awesome. It’s Let's get to camp now oh if I don't break my bike first, it's, I almost have no words guys this is beautiful.
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GTX Titan in Days Gone at 1080, 1440p and 4K |
I’m feeling the frame skips as we approach this area right here yeah it's very tough right now. I definitely choose to play with locked frames as you can see there, tons of frame skips but it only happens or usually, it only happens whenever you get to camp and then it smooths out.
Even at 1440p high still playable still not dropping from 30. it might have dropped there by the entrance because of the setters but now it's smooth it's at 32 to 35 most of the time.
At 4K
2160p now using high settings just for fun basically uh it's not too different from medium, to be honest in terms of FPS but it looks way better so if you want to take screenshots of this game I think this is a good option 4k high settings looking beautiful so the Titan can play this game absolutely fine thank you very much for watching reading this article and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Will catch you guys in the next one very soon love you all bye-bye.
things which i really need to know💕